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Complex Adaptive Traits (CATs)

Dr. Ilka Bischofs

We focus on studying complex adaptive traits (CATs) in stressed bacteria, employing molecular biology, microscopy, and mathematical modeling. Our goals include understanding, controlling, and engineering these traits. By investigating signaling networks, we aim to uncover fundamental principles linking molecular design to population behavior. Our research, centered on beneficial Bacilli, explores endospore formation, bacterial communication networks, and the production of stress-related metabolites. Ultimately, we seek to manipulate bacterial populations for biotechnological applications, collaborating closely with other research groups.

Research Strategy

The Bischofs group focuses on spore-forming and industrially-relevant Bacilli which use elaborate strategies to adapt to their 

environment. These bacteria can diversify phenotypically, which is often undesirable in applications, but could be profitably utilized. We study such complex adaptive traits (CATs) at the behavioral and mechanistic level using systems and synthetic biology methods. We specifically address the function of regulatory networks in the formation and organization of heterogeneous populations. By combining experiments using novel microscopy-based assays and modeling, we have investigated the B. subtilis life cycle and cell-cell communication, respectively. This led to the discovery of a quality-quantity tradeoff during spore formation. Moreover, using B. subtilis as a model organism, we are contributing to studies of stress-associated phenomena with implications for humans and the environment, e.g. ROS-driven methane formation in cells.



Project Leader

Bischofs B&W
Prof. Dr. Ilka Bischofs-Pfeifer

Phone:  +49 6221 54 51365


Selected Publications

Methane formation driven by reactive oxygen species across all living organisms.

Leonard Ernst,Benedikt Steinfeld, Uladzimir Barayeu, Thomas Klintzsch, Markus Kurth, Dirk Grimm, Tobias P. Dick, Johannes G. Rebelein, Ilka B. Bischofs& Frank Keppler

Nature 603, pages 482–487 (2022) 

Babel et al. Ratiometric population sensing by a pump-probe signaling system in Bacillus subtilis. 

Heiko Babel, Pablo Naranjo-Meneses, Stephanie Trauth, Sonja Schulmeister,
Gabriele Malengo, Victor Sourjik & Ilka B. Bischofs

Nature Communications volume 11, Article number: 1176 (2020)

Phenotypic memory in Bacillus subtilis links dormancy entry and exit by a spore quantity-quality tradeoff. 

Alper Mutlu, Stephanie Trauth, Marika Ziesack, Katja Nagler, Jan-Philip Bergeest, Karl Rohr, Nils Becker, Thomas Höfer & Ilka B. Bischofs

Nature Communications volume 9, Article number: 69 (2018)